Tell me, What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
-Mary Oliver, The Summer Day
Christian discipleship is a life-long answer to the poet Mary Oliver’s question: “What will you do with your one wild and precious life?” Discipleship is also a life-long journey that is shaped by the call “to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.”
At United, we offer many ways to take that journey – through Sunday morning forums, retreats, study series, service and education trips, and study groups. We invite you to join in these opportunities to learn more about the Christian faith, God’s call in your life, and the community and world around us.
Ongoing Adult Education
Over the past several months, United has offered a variety of Adult Faith Formation opportunities. They’ve ranged from “An Intro to the Enneagram” to “Race Matters” to “Braiding Sweetgrass” to “Acts of the Apostles” to “Me and White Supremacy."
What would help you deepen your faith? What do you need to better “Love God, Neighbor, Creation?” What would you enjoy learning? What would challenge you?
Let us know! Contact Talitha Arnold (unitedchurch.talitha@gmail.com). Thank you!
Adult Faith Formation Gallery - Forums & Small Groups