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"Let us build a house where all are named, their songs and visions heard and loved and treasured, taught and claimed as words within the Word." 

All are Welcome, Mary Haugan

A Legacy of Love and Hope through Planned Giving

For many of us, The United Church of Santa Fe has become an important part of our lives. We have worked to build it and make it grow. We are grateful for what it means to us and proud of what it does for the people of Santa Fe and the wider world. We support it now through our annual giving, and we want to make sure it continues to thrive in the future.


If that is how you feel also, we invite you to consider including The United Church in your will or estate plans.

A bequest or planned gift of any size helps ensure The United Church’s long-term financial security. It also leaves a legacy to an organization you believe in and want to preserve for generations to come.

Here are some ways to do that with a tax-deductible gift to The United Church of Santa Fe’s Endowment Fund:


  1. Cash Donations can be made to the Endowment Fund at any time, including gifts in honor or memory of loved ones.

  2. Leave a gift in your will or trust to The United Church of Santa Fe, specifying that it is an addition to the Endowment Fund. You may specify dollar amounts or a percentage of assets in your will or trust.

  3. Leave specific assets (e.g., stocks, bonds, real estate, art, money market account, etc.) to the church, as in item 2 above. If the assets have appreciated in value, they may provide greater tax benefits for your heirs than gifts of cash.

  4. Name the church as a beneficiary of your IRA or pension plan, and let the church know.

  5. Purchase a charitable gift annuity – a vehicle that provides significant tax savings and likely an increase in spendable income. Eventually the annuity will become a part of the church’s permanent Endowment.

  6. Name the church as the beneficiary of an existing life insurance policy. Future premiums may be tax-deductible, if you make the church the owner of the policy.


You may also contribute to The United Church of Santa Fe’s Endowment Fund using trusts and gifts to the United Church of Christ’s pooled income fund. If you’re interested in these attractive but more complex ways of giving, you should talk with your attorney, accountant and financial advisor. The United Church Endowment Team is also ready to help you.


And yes—you can designate how the Endowment Fund Gift is to be used. Donors have considerable latitude in specifying which area(s) of United’s ministry they wish to support (e.g., children’s or youth ministry, youth immersion trips, music, landscape/building upgrades, environmental ministry, outreach). Gifts may be made without restriction, or they may be designated for one of the Endowment’s seven specified funds.


If you’d like more information, please contact either Frank Wilbanks, Endowment Committee Chair (; (469) 438-6112, or Rev. Talitha Arnold, UCSF Senior Minister (, 505-988-3295).

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