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Coming together for worship at United is like finding water in a dry and thirsty land. That’s why we do so, not only on Sunday mornings but midweek, too!


Like a stream in the desert, worship can refresh and renew us. Each week it offers us God’s new life and hope, for ourselves and for this world. At United, worship is the center of our life together, from which everything else flows: outreach, education, care, among others.


Whether on Sunday mornings, midweek, or other times, worship at United offers that new life in different ways. Sometimes – especially in the Sunday 8:30 AM service and the midweek contemplative services – worship is like the deep, still waters that God promises in the 23rd Psalm. In the later Sunday service, worship can be like a living stream, offering life in all kinds of ways. Similarly, like on Mardi Gras and Fiesta Sundays, worship is a river, full of life and surprises.


At United, we believe all of us – regardless of age – need the living waters of worship. That’s why children and younger youth join in the first part of the late service each Sunday and why Children’s Ministry always begins with prayer and song. It’s also why we offer a number of “intergenerational” services for all ages throughout the year.


We hope you’ll join us in worship at United. Together may we be renewed by the waters of life God offers us each week.

Worship in May
The Questions of Easter

The first Easter raised more questions than it answered. Easter still does. We’ll explore some of those questions as we move through Eastertide and into Pentecost (which raises even more questions!).

Graduation Sunday (21 of 21).JPG

Worship This Month

6th Sunday of Easter - All of Them? All of Me?

May 5

8:30am Contemplative Communion

10:00am (Sanctuary)

Both the Acts story and John’s Gospel tell of the gift of water as a sign of God’s life and love. In Acts, it’s the waters of baptism poured out on Jew and Gentile. (Acts 10:44-48) In the Gospel, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples to show his love for them, all of them—even Judas, even Peter. (John 15:9-17) Rev. Ben Larzelere is guest preacher.

Upcoming Worship

7th Sunday of Easter - Who Gave You the Words of Life?

May 12

8:30am Contemplative Communion

10:00am (Sanctuary)

In his last night with the disciples, Jesus tells them he has given them God’s word of life. (John 17:6-19) So even though he won’t be with them, they will have life. Who has given us the words of life? A good theme for a day in which we give thanks for parents and those who have been like parents to us.

Pentecost Sunday and United's 44th Birthday - What Dreams Can Come?

May 19

8:30am Contemplative Communion

10:00am (Sanctuary)

When God’s spirit was poured out on the first Christians, they dreamed dreams and saw visions. (Acts 2:1-21) As we celebrate both Pentecost and United’s 44th birthday, what dreams has God given us? What vision and courage do we need to live into those dreams?

1st Sunday after Pentecost - Who Is My Kin?

May 26

8:30am Contemplative Communion

10:00am (Sanctuary)

Shortly before his death at the hands of the Roman Empire, the Apostle Paul wrote to the Roman Christians that God had given them not the spirit of slavery, but of kinship. They were children of God, connected to Christ and one another. It’s a challenging passage for the Sunday before Memorial Day—a holiday that has its origins in the American Civil War and the decision of formerly enslaved people to care for the dead of both sides of that terrible war. That’s kinship.

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